
2019/10/02 【破解謠傳,秋刀魚體內有寄生蟲!?】[Cracking the rumors, there are parasites in the saury!?]

[Cracking the rumors, there are parasites in the saury!?]

The sweet and bitter taste of saury, which is abundant in autumn, is always unforgettable for many food lovers, and it is one of the most popular ingredients for Mid-Autumn BBQ; however, it has been rumored on the Internet recently that holes in saury fish are signs of hidden parasites in the abdomen. It has caused doubts and panic among many people; we will decipher false rumors and provide people with correct ideas. The Fisheries Research Institute stated:

"Whether it is freshwater fish or seawater fish, it is possible to become an intermediate host for parasites. The holes on the surface of saury are usually the bite marks of Pacific fish lice. It can be eaten safely as long as it is cooked."

According to domestic research reports, the Fisheries Experimental Research Institute of the Council of Agriculture shows that saury is often parasitized by a small crustacean outside the body, which is also a common phenomenon in marine fish, especially when the water temperature is high. The parasites will fall off by themselves, and finally red and black holes will be formed on the epidermis of the fish.


Therefore, when ordinary people cook, as long as the saury is fully cooked, it will be harmless to the human body and have no doubts about eating. It is also possible to remove the head, gills and digestive tract of the fish before cooking it completely; You can enjoy the fat and delicious saury in autumn!

文獻資料參考: 農委會水產試驗所相關報導